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Personal Training

Personal Training


  • The 1 session must be used within 2 weeks after purchase.
  • The 10 sessions must be used within a month after purchase.
  • The 15 sessions must be used within 2 months.

We do this to make sure that our clients are able to improve properly and actually get good results from our services.

  • ! Special Limited Offer !

    Buy 10 or more sessions and get a diet plan for 35€!


  • 8-Week Challenge

    1. This 8-week packaging sums up a total of 24sessions which include 3 sessions with our trainer per week, and 1 workout program to adapt into training alone after the 8 weeks. 
    2. Our training facilities would be the most ideal, however other gym locations will be considered, however it will not cover gym memberships with this price (depending on location and price range).                DO NOT PURCHASE BEFORE ESTABLISHING A GYM LOCATION WITH OUR TRAINER. ALL PURCHASES WILL BE NON-REFUNDABLE. 
    3. A random complimentary supplement is given to you every 4 weeks, a total of two supplements which are worth over 40eu.
    4. A diet plan will be given as well with this package.
  • Terms and Conditions

    1. These packages are for local clients.
    2. A random complimentary supplement worth over 20eu will be given with each and every package you purchase.
    3. These packages cover also the gym membership of Gymnasia, Paola. Where our trainer does the sessions.
    4. If you wish to train in a different gym, chat with us to see if the trainer can manage to move to different gyms.                                                        DO NOT PURCHASE BEFORE CLARIFYING AN ESTABLISHED GYM. 
    5. All of the packages come with an expiration date. 
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